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Parts for CEM70
Parts for CEM70

Product Code: P-C70

board - CEM70 main w/o WiFi module [Add $200.00]
board - CEM70 main w/ WiFi module [Add $275.00]
board - CEM70 GPS Module [Add $99.00]
board - CEM70 RA/DEC board [Add $100.00]
board - CEM70 USB2 hub under dovetail saddle [Add $110.00]
board - CEM70G USB3.0 hub under dovetail saddle [Add $130.00]
board - CEM70 USB2 input (daughter board on main) [Add $25.00]
board - CEM70 USB2 input (on RA axis) [Add $25.00]
board - CEM70W (new) USB3 hub under saddle [Add $130.00]
board - CEM70G/W USB3.0 CMS input board [Add $90.00]
board - WIFI antenna [Add $25.00]
board - WIFI module [Add $85.00]
drivetrain - belt (2x) [Add $30.00]
drivetrain - DEC worm [Add $240.00]
drivetrain - RA worm +/- 5 arcsec [Add $280.00]
drivetrain - ring gear [Add $250.00]
drivetrain - ring gear w/ encoder wheel [Add $1,000.00]
drivetrain - stepper motor [Add $95.00]
drivetrain - worm bearing (2x) [Add $30.00]
drivetrain - worm recondition [Add $100.00]
fstnr - AZ knob [Add $20.00]
other - clutch switch (red/black) [Add $35.00]
other - CW shaft (2 section) [Add $120.00]
other - CW shaft (lower portion, long) [Add $100.00]
other - CW shaft safety lock screw [Add $15.00]
other - push button switch [Add $15.00]
shell - polar scope front cover [Add $25.00]
upgrade - USB3.and WIFI [Add $400.00]
upgrade - USB3 only [Add $280.00]
upgrade - WiFi module for CEM70/CEM70EC [Add $145.00]

Parts for CEM70 models.

1. Add parts to Cart one at a time.
2. If you are ordering a control board, main/RA/DEC/USB or a motor, please enter a note at the end of checkout to specify:
a. mount type, such as CEM70EC or CEM70G
b. main board version
c. USB hub version

TIP: add parts to Cart one at a time.
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